Location and timing

From Sunday, 26 November for approximately four weeks and will be carried out between 7am and 6pm, Monday to Friday. We only expect to be at each location for a short period of time. South Road night works will be required and be undertaken between 7pm and 6am, Sunday to Thursday. Please note works are weather dependent and scheduling may be subject to change.

The works will be carried out at the following locations:

  • South Road, Edwardstown
  • Raglan Avenue, Edwardstown
  • Auckland Street, Edwardstown
  • Brooks Terrace, Edwardstown

What to expect

  • Temporary traffic and speed restrictions will apply in the vicinity of the works.
  • Signage will be in place to alert road users to the change in traffic conditions. Road users are advised to take care when travelling through the area.
  • Short-term land and footpath closures will be required to complete this work.

During works you may notice additional ground and traffic management personnel and equipment within the area. Some disturbances can be expected such as noise, dust and vibration caused by excavation works.