• Published: Sunday, 28 May 2023

The historic Torrensville Bowling Club will relocate to a new standalone home, and retain its independence and local identity, as part of the T2D Project.

The club will move from its current South Road premises to a nearby, completely redeveloped 7,000 square metre space on the southern bank of the River Torrens at Thebarton by early 2025.

The site will feature new clubrooms, car parking, synthetic greens and the reassembled canopy that was completed in 2019 and which is seen by members as an important feature of their current set-up.

Torrensville Bowling Club’s current premises are required to facilitate construction of the T2D Project.

The club’s relocation means it will not need to merge with another club and it will retain its identity and independence. It will also help rejuvenate an underused section of the River Torrens and offset the loss of a portion of land at Kings Reserve for construction of the motorway.

Local company JPE Design Studio has worked as the lead designer for Torrensville’s new site, and the Department for Infrastructure and Transport will call tenders for a building contractor in the second half of 2023.

Torrensville Bowling Club artist impression from the ground showing the bowling green and canopy, as well as the new clubrooms.

Torrensville Bowling Club artist impression from the air looking down onto the new bowling green, canopy and clubrooms.