• Published: Saturday, 22 April 2023

Around 3km of South Road between Glengarry Avenue, Glandore, and Bennet Avenue, Melrose Park, is set to be resurfaced.

Both northbound and southbound lanes will be resurfaced, with works to be undertaken in stages at night to minimise disruption to road users and nearby residents and businesses. Works will commence in May, with completion expected in June.

Undertaking resurfacing works along South Road before main construction works on the T2D Project get underway in 2025 will ensure the long-term safety and integrity of the road.

These works are the first of $22 million of resurfacing works to be undertaken along South Road, with other sections to commence from later this year. They form part of an $850 million package of 13 infrastructure and amenity upgrades that will be undertaken to support and complement the project design, and ensure the effective functioning of the road network during and after construction of the T2D Project.

Works notifications will provide more detail about specific work locations and times, as well as any restrictions that may be in place.