• Published: Monday, 13 November 2023

Great journeys for everyone and greener, connected communities where people want to live, work and visit will be delivered as part of the T2D Project as outlined in the Urban Design Strategy.

Now publicly available, the Strategy is the primary document guiding good urban design outcomes for all sections of the T2D Project and the areas that surround them.

Good urban design is critical to the success of the T2D Project and the broader benefits it aims to deliver. This includes not only the design of the motorway, surface roads and tunnels, but also the surrounding areas that connect with neighbouring communities.

The Strategy has been informed by government policies and strategies, local context analysis, stakeholder engagement and follows standards of similar, best practice projects.

The Strategy establishes an overarching urban design vision, urban design principles and objectives which apply broadly to the T2D Project works along with more detailed place and performance requirements for specific locations and project elements.

The urban design principles of the Strategy seek to connect people and place, support great journeys, create greener and more resilient places, enable economic, social and environmental opportunities, and celebrate culture and place.

This includes providing safe and efficient journeys for motorists, pedestrians and cyclists, and providing community places, open spaces and recreational facilities.

It also includes creating a green, resilient landscape through integration of green and water-sensitive infrastructure, water and biodiversity sensitive urban design, and enhancements to existing natural systems.

The important cultural heritage of the Kaurna peoples will also be respected, celebrated and integrated in the urban design, as well as state and local heritage places within the T2D Project area.

The Strategy is available for download here.

Community engagement will be undertaken over the next five weeks, including a survey seeking further local insights for good urban design for the T2D Project, as well as drop-in community sessions at the new central T2D Community Information Centre located at 290 South Road, Hilton.

To complete the survey and to find out more about drop-in sessions, visit www.t2d.sa.gov.au/planning-design/more-than-a-motorway. The survey will close at 5pm, 19 December 2023.