• Published: Friday, 14 July 2023

Community feedback on the T2D Project will be incorporated into ongoing design work and the Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) plans.

A community engagement campaign was undertaken between December 2022 and February 2023, which included 25,000 letterbox drops, 5177 face-to-face interactions and 1198 online surveys completed.

The surveys, targeted at residential property owners, road users, business owners and tenants, indicated nearly 70 per cent of respondents felt positive or very positive about the T2D Project.

Key themes of feedback received during the engagement campaign have been summarised in the Community Consultation Report. The information shared with us during this stage of engagement will be considered and fed into ongoing design work.

One of the key themes we frequently heard was that community members were interested in learning more about local road access and connectivity during construction and project completion, east-west pedestrian and cycle access, and public transport access.

In response to this, the local community now have an opportunity to provide their insights to better understand local access requirements, including east-west connectivity, in the project area.

This feedback will be considered and fed into ongoing design work, while also being incorporated into the development of LATM plans, which are being developed together with local councils.

LATM will look at how the T2D Project will consider the local street environment including access during and after construction.

Feedback is being sought until Sunday, 6 August from people who cycle, walk, drive, or catch public transport in the local area.

To learn more and share your feedback about LATM plans, visit www.t2d.sa.gov.au/news-events/whats-on/help-develop-latm-plans.

There will be opportunities for the community to learn more about other key areas of interest that were identified during the engagement campaign in the coming months during the Project Assessment Report process.